Sarah Mikutel

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Time to Take Action on What You’ve Learned on Podcasting Step by Step

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Do you take notes when you listen to podcasts? I love jotting down ideas I want to try in my business. You may have done the same while listening to Podcasting Step by Step. But how often do you implement what you hear about? Well, there’s never been a better time to take action. Listen to to the show to learn how.

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Many of us are in lock down due to the COVID-19 coronavirus. Over here in the U.K., this means for the next three weeks (at least), we are only allowed out to buy food and medicine or to exercise once a day by ourselves or people we live with. 

For those of us who work from home, not much has changed in our daily routine. For others, it’s a huge upset, especially if they have little ones at home.

Whatever situation you find yourself in, you’re spending more time at home, and chances are, you are listening to fewer podcast episodes than usual. 

Podcast consumption is down

James Cridland of Podnews reports that “most podcasts are seeing drops in consumption of about 20%.” 

This shouldn’t be a surprise, a lot of podcast consumption happens while commuting, not just to work, but when we are out walking around on our own. 

I’m still listening to podcasts while cooking and going to bed, but in my downtime, I’m reading, writing, and working on new podcast projects, and I think this is a fantastic opportunity for you to do the same.

Imagine the best possible scenario

We’re all processing what’s happening right now in different ways. Some of us are very calm, others feel like they are falling apart, and as time goes on, we might all feel a bit of both.

I was listening to Brooke Castillo’s Life Coach School Podcast yesterday, and she said you can imagine the worst possible scenario, but then you have to flip it and imagine the best possible scenario for your future self.

Maybe you imagine yourself a thriving business owner. Maybe your podcast can help you get there. Now is the time to work toward that best possible scenario for yourself.

Also, working on a creative pursuit, like podcasting, is a great release for all the energy pent up inside us. 

How do you want to improve your podcast?

As I mentioned earlier, if you’re like me, you love consuming content and taking notes on all the great ideas you want to try, but many of us don’t make the time to take creative action. We just keep consuming. 

Well, now we have the gift of time. If you’re a podcast junkie like me, you might be listening to an hour or two less a day of podcasts. Use that time to do something that will benefit your show. Maybe you’ve been wanting to switch up the format, get more active on social media, or find a way to monetize. 

Some episodes you might want to review:

I’m revamping my intro/outro, working on a few courses that people have asked me for, and designing some fun games. I’m so excited about all of these projects, but they won’t happen unless I make specific time for them. 

Time block your podcast projects

Decide what you want to work on, and get it on the calendar. Block out the specific day and time you will work on this, and stick to it. You might find it helps to check in with an accountability partner. You talk to each other about what you want to achieve and then review how it went. 

My students in Podcast Launch Academy and I have started virtual coworking using the Pomodoro technique. That’s when you work for a certain amount of time and then take a break. Traditionally, you work for 25 minutes, then take a five minute break. You repeat this four times and then take a 30-minute break. 

These work sprints keep you hyper focussed so you’re less likely to space out and less likely to fall victim to Parkinson's law, which says that a project will take as long as the time you give it. When you allow yourself all the time in the world to finish something, it will take all the time in the world. Give yourself real deadlines and hold yourself accountable. 

Your assignment:

  • Choose one thing you want to do to improve your podcast this week.

  • Get time on your calendar to make it happen.

  • Do the work. 

Then, let me know what you’re working on. I’d love to hear about your podcast progress. You can find me @sarahmikutel on Instagram

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