Sarah Mikutel

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Express Yourself: How to Get More Comfortable Sharing Your Truth

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Karly Nimmo has been podcasting as a form of self-expression and discovery for years, and on Podcasting Step by Step, I talk to her about how we can get more comfortable exploring who we are and with speaking freely and off-script.

Karly has several successful podcasts under her belt, including Karlosophies. She’s a serial entrepreneur, a rebel, mad creator, connector and communicator who helps people stop playing the role of who they think they need to be, and express who they really are to the world. And she does this through both podcast and life coaching, or guidance as she likes to say.

Listen to Podcasting Step by Step to hear how Karly’s been able to get to know, like, and trust herself over the years, and how you can learn to follow your intuition to create a better podcast — and life. We also talk about the evolution of our podcasts, and how to say goodbye with grace when it’s time to end a show.

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Karly Nimmo on podcasting as a form of self-expression

“The number one thing is making sure that the show is in alignment with you and that whatever you create is sustainable for you and feels good. Because what's the point of doing it if it feels like shit?” says Karly Nimmo. Photo courtesy of Karly.

“There’s  always been a shock element to me. Not intentionally. It's just something that comes out. As a kid, people would be like, ‘Oh, too much information! Too much information!’ So I was always that kind of person, but I felt kind of conditioned by society to tone that down.

Using expression as a form of getting to know myself really all started in 2009 when I started a blog called Karlosophies because I was in the depths of my first diagnosed depression. I felt like I needed an outlet. I’d come so far away from the truth of who I was that I've literally spent the last 10 years coming back to that, who I am naturally, which is an oversharer, an overgiver, and a truth-teller.

The blog morphed into a podcast in 2015 and ever since I’ve been weekly kind of putting my story out there and I just found it so liberating. It's been such a great way to get to know myself and share what’s going on for me.

For anyone, it is uncomfortable for us to call shit out. Our nature as humans is to want to belong and be part of a tribe and a community so that we are not on the outer. Most of us have these people pleasing tendencies and I guess I have been practicing what it might be like not to operate in that place, which is still a big stretch for me.

It isn't natural for us to be out there and speaking our truth and giving 0 Fs. It's something that we practice and it's something that we cultivate on a daily basis and that's the phase of life that I'm in at the moment. Really being committed to ‘what is my truth in this’ and giving that voice and expression. Because when we don't, what ends up happening is either we end up depressed, or we end up really angry, bitter, resentful and almost end up spraying that on other people in a passive aggressive way. So you're much better off figuring out what the truth is of what you need to express and then just express it into the world.

You can try and control the way people see you and the way people hear what you've got to say, but they're going to hear it from their own lens on the world. They're going to hear it from their own conditioning and learning. There's nothing that we can do to protect them from that. In fact, I've found that trying to protect people from their own shit actually hurts them more than if you just kind of let them have it in a loving way.

My purpose in this is to have fun, try new shit, see what works, and make sure that I am expressing myself. That is the purpose for me for podcasting, and I hope that it connects with others.”

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