Posts in Inspirational
Vocal Training: How to Enhance Your Podcast Voice to Keep Your Audience Listening

“Some people naturally seem to be storytellers who are more expressive vocally than others, but that doesn't mean that there aren't skills and tools that you can learn to have more control over your voice and to have more fun with it, and to really use it as a tool for self-expression in a way that still feels natural and authentic,” says Andrea Klunder, my guest on Podcasting Step by Step.

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Imposter Syndrome: 7 Mindset Shifts to Overcome Feeling Like a Podcast Fraud

When you’re new to podcasting, everything can seem like a challenge. Choosing the right equipment; learning to edit audio; coming up with great content. But one of the biggest challenges — maybe the BIGGEST challenge — to people launching their shows is imposter syndrome. Here are 7 tips to help you overcome those ‘unworthy’ feelings.

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Want to Grow Your Podcast Audience? Communicate What You Stand For

How do I get more listeners to my podcast? Have you ever asked yourself that? I’m sure you have because we all ask this. Until we get clear on what we stand for, we won’t be clear in what we want to share with the world, on our own shows and on the ones we guest on. If we don’t know what we’re all about, why would an audience rally behind us?

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