Most of us don’t follow through on our New Year’s Resolutions because we treat them like wishes and not goals.
You have what it takes to show up courageously every day, but that doesn’t just magically happen. Here are four daily practices you can do to build your courage (a core Stoic virtue) and resiliency.
Stoic courage doesn’t have to be as grand as being part of the nazi resistance. It can be as small as offering to help a stranger on the sidewalk.
Life is ephemeral, like the White Cliffs crumbling into the sea. When will you start making the most of your time?
Where do emotions come from? What are emotions? How can we cultivate healthy emotions that improve our own wellbeing, and thereby our positive impact on the world? Let’s get into it!
Most of our suffering comes from thoughts that we let run wild in our brains. Learn how to use Stoicism and CBT to manage your mind so you can live a more resilient, calm, joyful, and compassionate life.
Wherever we are, whatever role we’re filling, our purpose in the moment is to show up as our best selves.
Do you consider yourself to be a citizen of the world? This concept goes back thousands of years.
Stoicism is about more than productivity hacks. It’s about helping the world become a better place. The co-author of Being Better: Stoicism for a World Worth Living In joins me on the LIVE Without Borders podcast to teach us how.
What’s your Enneagram anger style?
Read MoreClean eating doesn’t just slim your waistline, it clears your mind and boots your energy. Simple Green Smoothies founder Jen Hansard joined me on LIVE Without Borders to talk about plant-based cooking, moderation, and moving your body.
Read MorePhilosopher king Marcus Aurelius ruled the Roman Empire from 161-180 A.D. Despite flood, plague, famine, war, and extreme betrayal against him (re Civil War), Marcus kept his cool and lived his Stoic values of love and compassion. Stoic expert Donald Robertson shares the fascinating story of how he did it.
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