Posts in Technical
Vocal Training: How to Enhance Your Podcast Voice to Keep Your Audience Listening

“Some people naturally seem to be storytellers who are more expressive vocally than others, but that doesn't mean that there aren't skills and tools that you can learn to have more control over your voice and to have more fun with it, and to really use it as a tool for self-expression in a way that still feels natural and authentic,” says Andrea Klunder, my guest on Podcasting Step by Step.

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Podcast Editing: 7 Ways to Save Time

Just Breathe! That’s actually the name Carrie Caulfield Arick gave her talk at Podcast Movement 2019. The podcast editing expert says one of the biggest mistakes new podcasters make is over-editing —  taking out every ‘um’ and deleting all the breaths. Carrie joined me on Podcasting Step by Step to talk about ways we can cut down on the time it takes for us to edit podcasts.

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How to Record a Podcast Interview with a Remote Guest [Free Checklist]

At some point, most podcasters recording a remote interview will flub it up in some way, whether that’s by technical or human error. On Podcasting Step by Step, I talk you through exactly what you need to do to minimize those snafus that happen when recording an interview via your computer (Plus free downloadable pre-record checklist).

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Recording Environment: 11 Tips for Capturing Quality Audio When You Don’t Have a Studio

My housing situation is pretty random: I’m a lodger living with a Sri Lankan family and two other guys renting rooms at the beach. While the view is stunning, this is not the ideal podcasting environment. There are always people chatting. Seagulls squawk outside my very large, glass window, which lets in a ton of street noise because a little road runs along the coast between my room and the sea. On episode six of Podcasting Step by Step, I talk about how to create a quality-sounding podcast when your recording environment is not so great.

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What Mic and Other Equipment Do I Need to Podcast?

Before I launched my first podcast, I spent hours googling microphones and other equipment. I just wanted someone to tell me exactly what I needed, but I kept reading conflicting advice. Or, I’d see someone ask an equipment question in an online forum, and they’d never get a straight answer. So on episode five of Podcasting Step by Step, I share the exact hardware and software I use to podcast and why. These products and services will likely work for you, too.

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